Earned Media Coverage

Between our partners, we spent more than 60 years in newsrooms. We know that how decisions are made by journalists is a mystery to much of the world, but not to Steve and Tim. We have been there. We know how the process works.

We help our clients get “earned media coverage.” We can pitch a story or an idea to a journalist in a way that makes the story intriguing, compelling for their audience and that isn’t a “puff piece.”

Case in point: Cal Lutheran’s Center for Economic Research and Forecasting sought a position in the Wall Street Journal’s top 60 forecasting houses. The 20/20 Network worked with WSJ editors over 18 months to provide what they needed and secure a place among the top forecasters for CERF. Since that inclusion, enrollment in Cal Lutheran’s masters in quantitative economics program has grown and program operators say the inclusion in the WSJ forecast is the reason why. 

Case StudyAlfredo Saavedra